Living The Dream

Living The Dream

“You’re living the dream.” People have been telling me that for over a
decade. People think being in a touring band, and making a living from it,
must be one of the greatest jobs in the world. Well, I want to share the truth
with you. IT IS! I have a great job. I write songs and people will buy them. I
say I’ll perform the songs live and people will show up to watch...and pay to
see me! In this day and age of complaining and criticizing everything I just
want to say I am blessed. I love creating music. I am pretty good at it and I
really appreciate how many folks have told me they love the songs I
have written. So why complain?

I could tell you that traveling is hard and that being away from your family
makes it really tough sometimes. I can tell you that I have to hustle and
make sure that my band provides me enough income to provide for my
family. I can say that playing our most popular song Walls 12,476 times has gotten a little
old. While all those things are true, I enjoy what I do and it helps
me to be the man I want to be. Now that sounds foo foo if I do say so myself
but let me explain...

My job, your job, anyone’s job is just that. A job. You are the only thing unique when it comes to work. See we make the job and not the other way around. It doesn’t matter if you’re flipping burgers or you're the President of The United States. You make the job and you bring honor or dishonor to your work. It’s your decision and no one else's. Sure,
working sixty hours a week in a warehouse (like my father has done for forty 
years) can be physically and mentally draining. Work can be extremely hard.
But that does not mean it has to make you feel less accomplished or
unsuccessful. I believe we are made to work and are fulfilled through our
work and accomplishments.

So, any job you hate is a job you should quit right now. But before you move too
quickly, ask yourself why you hate it. Work can be like marriage. The more
you involve yourself in making it great, the more it will look like what you
want. People will say their marriages are terrible and get divorced, only to
bring those same problems into the next relationship. If you quit your job for
the wrong reasons, then your next job, no matter how prestigious, will still be
a let down.

This is one of our main principals at BC Supply. Look good, feel good, work
and play hard. We didn’t start this company just to sell clothes and apparel
but to move into the next stage of what we love doing and where we want to
work. We pride ourselves on creating and making things that we hope
people like you will love. It’s a little scary just like when we started the band.
Some things we’ve gotten right and some things we’re still working on, but we
believe this fully - THAT NO ONE CAN RUIN YOUR DAY EXCEPT YOU. No one can ruin your job except for you. In the end your work will be about you and no
one else. But we do recommend looking cool while you do it!

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